Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas in Arkansas

And the stockings were hung...

Christmas morning was so fun. The kids lined up on the stairs, as always, at 7am.

Michael had to check out the damper to make sure Santa could come down the chimney.
We had such a fun time at Christmas in Wisconsin, that I was worried it wouldn't be the same here in Arkansas...I don't know why. But each year seems to get better. We did some caroling, Secret Santa-ing, Nativity program, Christmas Adam party (Christmas Eve Eve), but best of all, we had some family with us. Having Mark and Ashley and their kids around was so fun. They joined us on Christmas Eve for the making of cookies, almond in the pudding, and the Christmas story. It was good times.

Here they all are in their new PJs.

This year, I made salsa for our friends. I thought they looked like little shephards...my kids thought it looked like throw-up in a jar. They keep me humble.

Jane now wakes up every morning asking where the presents are and if it is Christmas...

1 comment:

  1. You're kids are so big! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas.
