Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Thought We didn't live in Wisconsin Anymore =)

So, there were two really big snows this winter. The first one had 2-3 inches. We got out the sleds and the snow gear and made the most of it. The Arkansas people here swore this was all we would see at a time...
The second snow was 2 feet!! We had about a week off of school which was absolutely pure fun.

Tommy and his friend slept in this igloo one night. After all this snow, it is hard to believe it was all melted within 3-4 days.

Shortly after the snow, it was 60 degrees February! We made the most of it. The above photo is our backyard looking up at the house. We live on quite the slant.

We couldn't believe we were eating outside during the winter and feeling 'hot'.

Here's Michael trying to sled down our backyard hill. It was slow-go.

Jane and Abby had SO much fun together. It was so cold this day. I made Mark go outside with the girls. I took this photo from the warmth of my house. I don't go out if I don't need to.

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